Democrat: Serving Three Year Term Ending December 31, 2026.
Glassboro resident since 1976 and graduate of Glassboro High School, 1991.
Retired as Lieutenant from the Glassboro Police Department, where he served as D.A.R.E. instructor, teaching our children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
Served as Head Coach for the Glassboro High School Varsity Baseball Team for the past 12 years and additionally volunteered as Head Coach for Glassboro Park and Recreation Basketball. Has coached many teams of all sports and age levels since 1994 and was named South Jersey Times Coach of the Year in 2019.
Tim “Dan” Brown is a strong community leader, who puts our families first. He is an advocate for community policing and believes that Glassboro should be the safest and most wholesome place to live, work and play.
He resides with his wife, Lisa and two sons, Nick and Ryan, as well as their furry family members - dog Brad and cats Carlos and Randall.